
  • Tamara Koroleva K.G. Razumovsky Moscow State University of Technologies and Management
  • Kristina Gordeeva Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State University of Architecture and Construction"
  • Anastasiya Rycheva K.G. Razumovsky Moscow State University of Technologies and Management


local exhaust ventilation system; general exchange ventilation; straight-rail system STR; ring system LRS; exhaust coil with mechanical drive; exhaust device; exhaust nozzles and hoses


This article deals with the microclimate of parking lots, garages, parking lots, fire stations of fire trucks, research and comparison of the local exhaust system: straight rail STR and ring LRS. As of January 1, 2023, according to the indicators of the AUTOSTAT Analytical Agency, 55.87 million units of automotive equipment were registered. More than 81% of this number is accounted for by passenger cars, which is 45.39 million units. That is, in our country, every third Russian owns a car. Undoubtedly, this figure will continue to grow, because over the past year alone, the fleet has grown by 312 thousand units. The increase in the latter creates a new problem and, as a result, the need for the timely construction of high-quality parking lots, garages, parking lots that meet technological requirements and all established hygienic standards. In this regard, there is an urgent problem in the modern world, namely the provision to prevent air pollution and preserve the health of people who are directly near cars. Based on the foregoing, it is necessary to design high-quality and reliable ventilation that meets all established regulatory requirements. Information on the design of ventilation systems for parking lots (underground parking lots) and garages, their advantages, types of structures of local exhaust ventilation systems and their characteristic features, estimate calculation and economic justification of the STR straight rail system and the LRS ring system are presented


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Каталог продукции АО «Совплим». Системы удаления выхлопных газов от автотранспорта, 79 с.



How to Cite

Koroleva, T., Gordeeva, K., & Rycheva, A. (2023). MODERN VENTILATION SYSTEMS OF FIRE DEPOTS. Innovation in Science, Education and Business, 6. Retrieved from